Quick Egg Fried Rice


Eggs - 2
Onion – 1 large chopped
Coriander leaves – 1/2 bunch chopped
Cooked Rice – 1-1/2 cups
Green chilli – 1 (optional)
Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp (adjust for taste)
Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
Salt to taste
Ghee/refined oil – 3 tbsp


Heat ghee/oil in a thick bottomed pan.
Add chopped onion and fry till golden brown. Add the chopped green chilli. Add a few coriander leaves.
Add pepper powder, turmeric powder, salt.
Beat the two eggs lightly together and add into the pan. Keep stirring until they scramble.
Cook until eggs are done stirring to avoid it sticking to the pan.
Add the rice and mix thoroughly. Remove from flame.  Check for salt. Add salt/pepper per taste. Mix well.  Garnish with chopped coriander and serve hot.


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